Environmental and Socio-Cultural Impact Study for the project, Design of Dock for Unloading Heavy Equipment

Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.
Anzoategui State. Venezuela.
}else {>Description
The purpose of the project is the environmental impact study for the Puerto La Cruz Refinery Deep Conversion project, with the purpose of identifying, predicting and evaluating the effects and possible environmental changes that may arise from the execution of the project.
In the delimitation of the area of influence of the physical environment of the project, the following criteria were considered:
Site of direct and indirect impact.
Proximity of bodies of water and associated sub-basins with the possibility of affectation.
Paths to be used for the planned activities.
Management areas associated with the Project, such as waste, effluents, emissions, extraction of granular material, temporary storage sectors, parking of vehicles and machinery.
In addition to this, the biological environment was also considered: Vegetation, Fauna and Aquatic Ecosystems. As well as the socio-economic-cultural environment: Area of influence of the socio-economic-cultural environment, administrative political context, physical spatial structure and functional relationships, demographic aspects and population dynamics, economic aspects, housing and provision of services, roads and traffic, tourist activities, recreational and cultural, land use, among others.